LIbertarians DO have the power. 2020 was by and for Libertarians. It ruined LP's hated targets, public schools and public transit. It infinitely enriched the Atlases of the tech world, and destroyed their small business competitors. Atlas gained everything.

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Which is exactly why we shouldn't help them gain any more of it..

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I agree, Austrian Economics was debunked over a century ago but they still prop up that stupid corpse. Yes, all in direct opposition to the GP monetary proposal. They can get away with it only becaue people are so ignorant of economics and how the money system works for the banks because it is not taught in schools anywhere and those who do know how it works are dismissed as cranks and have been throughout history which is why we've never heard of any of them. Marx economics was popularized becasue it was no threat to the system. It too has long been debunked and yet people hang onto it. I think ignorance of economics is an ignorance of history and holds the entire movement for change back. monetaryalliance.org greensformonetaryreform.org

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I didn't know about the Mises Caucus of the Libertarians. I have to admit that I've had some rather disturbing conversations with people who claim to be Libertarians (although they didn't seem to fully understand their philosophy). Thanks for the info.

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